Sunday, July 29, 2012

CSI Skeptic Robert Sheaffer Doubts the U.S. Government Uses the Media to Debunk UFOs

Robert Hastings, via UFO Chronicles, on skeptoid and misogynist Robert Sheaffer, who discounts the fact the government uses the media to spread disinfo concerning UFOs:CSI Skeptic Robert Sheaffer Doubts the U.S. Government Uses the Media to Debunk UFOs


Alfred Lehmberg said...

I'm compelled only to... rotflmao! In what universe? In what dementia of mis-perceived reality? In what alternate dimension? Flaccid and unsupported gum-bumpery disqualified on multiple levels qualifies as reasonable discourse from liars, cheats, and prolapsed skeptibunkies. Behold Klasskurtxia and despair! Then laugh.

Regan Lee said...

Indeed, Alfred!

Shakil said...

Shaffer sucks ass.