Friday, March 6, 2009

"A Movement Afoot" : Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid

According to a few bloggers with a disturbing dependence on thesauruses (thesauri?) there is an underground UFO group afoot. Why underground? Ah, to seriously study UFOs. I mean, seriously. Deeply. Studiously. Without the taint of the rest of us. Allusions to this all mysterious, top secret, underground UFO study group have been made before. I have visions of them toiling away in dank rooms, kind of like mushrooms grown in basements as a side business...when will they emerge to give us the truth? We can only wait, and hope.


LesleyinNM said...

Why do I get the feeling this "group" is all male and has probably read one too many Batman comics?

Atrueoriginall said...

Well, I recon that the tables turned on ole Rich since his other blogger (Anthony Bragalia) landed a bombshell in the in the UFO Iconoclast blog.

And, you must check out Rich's comment that goes along with Anthony's article. He's grasping for any explanation he can find. I'm surprised Rich didn't delete it. Well, if he does, it's now sitting in UFO Digest today as well.

Now Rich is afraid, Very afraid. lol Gee, I wonder if it were Anthony he was talking about. Naaaa

Roswell Fireman Confesses it was a Flying Saucer

By the way Regan, I've emailed you in the past but I don't think you're getting them. I've been using the address in the Orange Orb. Thanks