What a right bastard Rich Reynolds is, albeit predictably.
Still, there is his flurry of pompous genuflection I'd link to reader, only he'd take it down so his pathetic little scuttle could go unsubstantiated. He's performed such and so in the past. Why bother citing him?
...But friends of mine, one Regan Lee and and equally significant Lesley Gunter (spell their names right you prolapsed flock-wits!) lately stand to bear the insentient and repellant reptilianism that is Rich Reynolds and his alleged murder of flatulent were-crows: "RRR Group," "UFO Iconoclasts," "UFO Reality, (no truth in advertising there)" and other sites of hissing and suppurating spoor even less relevant, in my opinion. Such has been so.
Lately, I am not the egregiously libeled innocent owed effuse apology and seven figure damages, you see. No, today I am no less than representative, along with Regan and Lesley, of the destruction of the study of UFOs. Pause for squirty giggles.
After the three of us are contrasted to the likes of "well meaning" if misguided" ufological persons from Friedman through Vallee to Hynek, we are panned when compared to "hopelessly lost" second tier "mavens" and "enthusiasts" Kimball through Bishop to Tonnies! Michio Kaku is no "UFO Destroyer," don't you know, "but his views are so amorphous that they are platitudinous and useless."
Friends close, enemas (sic) closer?

"Platitudinous And Useless" Kaku...
At last Lesley, Regan, and myself are relegated to the said woo-besotted ranks of the much contested and controversial contactees. These are persons who are pretty much solely responsible, Reynolds propounds, because of their frivolity, self-involvement, and stupidity for the destruction alluded to. It won't end there.
Further, we are (I am) accused of "purloining" something curiously unsubstantiated, but that is also par for the Reynolds course. Reynolds lacks all substantiation, you see.
More as this Reynolds wrap-rap seems instructive, eh? Though I contemplate the contemptible I am reminded that to give up is to give in, righteous victory is necessary even if Phyricc, and an inch given is a mile taken.
I know you're reading Ritchie, too vain to do otherwise... Consume fecal manner and expire.
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