SDI #465 Twenty Questions
20 Questions _especially_ well addressed by Dave Furlotte, Stuart Miller, Chris Rutkowski... as chopped and channeled by the paranormal stylings of Errol Bruce-Knapp in a manner as reasoned as it is reasonable and as reasoning as it is... raison d'ĂȘtre...
1. How does one "prove" the existence of something where no proof is accepted?
1. How does one "prove" the existence of something where no proof is accepted?
2. How much has humanity grown with its technology, and how much has it _matured_?
3. Why have our plethora of media recording devises not settled the UFO issue?
4. Can our technology be depended upon to faithfully determine fact from fiction? Does that determination change the thing determined in the same fashion an electron is changed as a result of mere observation re the state of same?
5. How much of George Orwell's _1984_ has actually been realized?
. 6. How can the existence of UFOs be validated given the existence of too _much_ evidence of UFOs, _bogus_ evidence effortlessly invalided but casting aspersions on the rest?
7. Is there a mechanism employed to invalidate UFOs in the manner just described?
8. Is the planet Venus a viable candidate for the UFO/police helicopter (crew of three) incident over Birmingham in England last month?
9. Do radio controlled model airplanes fly circles around perplexed police helicopters as Nick Pope takes pains to walk the "safe path"... "worked up" even as his cautious interests are "justifiably" piqued?
10. Where is the multi-spectrum video of same suggested in use by Errol and Stuart?
11. Who is the "eagle-eye UFO sleuth" breaking the story out from staid official channels?
12. Is there a sea change to the approach and manner of world ufological reportage, in general, lately?
13. _Does_ a "professionally trained" observer remotely trump an untrained one? Will they _both_ make the same kind of "hysterical mistakes"?
14. Can it be possible to be "sick" of the plight of the "UFO Hacker," Gary McKinnon ? Is McKinnon a man who should be rewarded for revealing gross security lapses in government computers as regards a security infrastructure and apparatus _allegedly_ overhauled and hardened at the cost of billions in the wake of 9/11? Is McKinnon _persecuted_ instead by the threat of decades in prison on the whim of the entirely discredited Alberto Gonzalez and George W. Bush? Sick, is it remotely appropriate to _say_ so?
.15. Has Great Britain deferred entirely to a "big brother" touting that they are "only here to help" with regard to that threat of terrorism?
16. What is Kevin Spacey doing now and how does it touch upon the subject of UFOs and ancillaries in a film presently being shot in New Mexico?
17. What are the quantifiable differences between skeptibunkies and consistent skeptics?
18. Did Phil Klass have any moral justification beyond back-shooting his opponents from their lettered positions or driving them to suicide?
19. How does Stuart Miller exactly mirror Dave Furlotte from earlier in the program?
20. Crashed Saucers in the UK further mirroring Dave Furlotte?
Zounds, but only 30 minutes remain in this short program... Stuart Miller continues with discussion as regards what "sticks" about Nick Pope et al, then Chris Rutkowski regales with a report on his new book about gingham tea cozies... gotcha! ...Just seeing if you were paying attention. Seriously it's a cited book about UFOs as a _true_ global phenomenon!
Then, with as much "balance" as has yet been mastered, actually, Phil Klass was further "remembered."
Too, J. Allen Hynek slept here! ...Lots of intriguing and astonishing stuff to make you go hmmm, yea and verily. ...Stuff hard to discount when it is so soberly reported by a person with the stature of Mr. Rutkowski....
Ufological sensibilities remaining to be empowered are the listener's own! Subscribe or know the ubiquitous toad, fellow motes and travelers!
U F O M a g a z i n e -- www.ufomag.com
1 comment:
18. Did Phil Klass have any moral justification beyond back-shooting his opponents from their lettered positions or driving them to suicide?
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