Thursday, March 5, 2015

Pure Sedition And Inordinate Time Part II

Pure Sedition And Inordinate Time
Part II of II

Provoking the aforementioned sedition (I'm an American; it's what we do), I try to go out early every morning there's a clear sky and spend time looking up, out, and into deep space. I've amassed hundreds of hours in the past several years peering into our sky, and I've seen the damnedest things, good reader, already spoken about last time.

I see these things, I expect, because I try not to presuppose or pronounce on what I'm seeing as others do from both sides of the aisle.  I don't self-hypnotize as does—for example—the current default klasskurtxian and reflex media skepti-puppy Robert Sheaffer, to wit: resolved, all these sightings must have, exclusively, prosaic explanations.  Too, I don't know that there are flying saucers, as Sheaffer knows that they are not, forgetting it's what I suspect.

Remains, my suspicions are not remotely the issue. The fact that, among more significant others, I'm seeing an unexplained ... —"something"—..., reader, decidedly is.


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