WVNJ 1160 AM Tower goes Dead during Talk Show with Feschino and Lehmberg
It was Friday afternoon, September 13, 2013 as Frank Feschino, Jr. and I waited to go live on the "Kate Valentine UFO Show" broadcast from New Jersey. The show airs from 1:00 PM UNTIL 2:00 pm EST and we were both awaiting calls to our respective homes from the studio.
Weeks had been committed to promoting this show and as usual, a lot of preparation had gone into it. Braxton County Monster author Feschino was at his home in Florida and ready for his radio interview with Kate. He was to premiere and discuss his new "EXPANDED" 2013 book.
Frank explains, "As with any live program, the studio will call me at home a couple minutes before the show to make sure the connection is alright. They usually go over things like checking voice levels, commercial break times... ...stuff like that."
Frank then relayed what happened just before the show aired last Friday.
"Well, it was about 12:50—or about 10 minutes before the program was to go on and my phone rang. I thought it was the studio calling but when I looked at my clock it seemed a little too early. I picked up the phone and said 'hello' but there was nobody there, just dead silence Alfred, nothing!" Oddly, and unbeknownst to Frank, I have to report that the same thing happened to me at the same time! My phone rang and I answered to hissing dead air. Curious.
Frank continued that he stayed on his dead line for about 30 seconds reasoning that the studio was having trouble connecting with him, so he didn't hang up. Suddenly, a recording of a "female" voice came on and said, "Your call has ended, thank you, please hang up!"
Feschino reported the call never even started, all he uttered was "hello!" He said, "I thought that was weird, I have NEVER heard a recording like that before. A few of the usual hangups over the past few weeks but nothing like this. Something wasn't right, you know, and Alfred... I have an unlisted phone number."
Frank continued, "At 12:58, the phone rang again and it was the studio. It was the engineer guy, Dave, from Kate's show calling to get me on the air. It was a great connection, loud and clear, and we talked for a few moments. I asked Dave if Alfred was on the line yet. He said he was calling him next and we were going live shortly. He also told me the times of the commercial breaks were every 15-minutes."
Well, reader, things got a little weirder that afternoon! Shortly after Frank and I went on the air, which is also streamed live via the internet, the whole station went down! Now this is commercial radio folks! Outage is a big deal! See, if the ads don't air the station doesn't get paid!
We'd gone on the air after the first commercials just after 1:00 EST. Frank and I were talking with Kate about his research and our conversation was really starting to heat up. At about the 1:15 mark, Kate abrubtly informed us that the WVNJ tower was down and NOT transmitting a signal! At first, he told me later, Frank thought Kate was kidding us about it. She was not.
Frank added, "I thought she was joking us until I heard the confusion in the background between the studio tech and Kate. At times, I couldn't tell when we were off the air or on so I was real careful about what I said. Al, I've done a lot of shows over the years and never had this happen to me." Yes reader, the huge WVNJ transmitting tower in New Jersey went out. This was NOT a joke!
During a break, Kate and Dave, a seasoned master studio technician, could be frantically heard talking about the problem; Dave was completely in left field about the situation. Our show continued but could only be heard through the live stream presumably. Reader, the WVNJ airwaves feeding the show into New Jersey, New York, and Connecticut, hundreds of thousands of potential listeners, went absolutely dead! As we talked, Kate mentioned that this had happened to her live show once before when the topic of the show was Nikola Tesla!
Coincidence? Tesla is another story of betrayal of the people by its Officialdom, just like Flatwoods.
About thirty plus minutes had ticked by until Frank and I could be heard across the WVNJ airwaves once again. The tower was back up and running. Yes, more than half of our live show in which we talked about the UFO events of September 2, 1952, had been missed by the listeners.
Later, Frank called Stanton Friedman on the phone and explained what had happened. Stanton told Frank that he had been told of other instances, years ago, where radio transmission losses had occurred during live UFO radio broadcasts.
Dave and Kate are still in the dark about the transmission tower going dead during our show last Friday, and no explanation has been offered yet. Sure, outages just happen, but in as much as that's playing with house-money it's avoided like a cash-draining plague, eh? It's odd and unusual.
It's odder, though, and even more unusual, when the subject being discussed live is a massive evidentiary trail pointing to a conjectured secret and undeclared air-war with ET, a war where men and equipment are lost and UFOs are crash-landing all over West Virginia, September 12, 1952! It is then that an "outage" becomes "suspicious."
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